The Golden Voice

Ted Williams, in just five years, changed all the way from a homeless nobody to someone who was able to use his voice as an American announcer, radio personality, voice-over artist, and many other things. He now lives in an apartment, able to support himself. But he remembers his time on the streets, and wants to give back to his old community.
He's going to start out small, and give out socks. But he has a dream and vision of something far greater. He hopes to one day install a laundromat free to the public, so that homeless people can clean their clothes. This might make them presentable enough to earn another job, and another chance at life, as he was given.
Williams is shooting high--one day, he hopes to have his voice featured in a Pixar film. But until then, he will slowly pave the way for himself; for now, he's been giving speeches to people, especially children, in hopes of motivating them. His connection to religion has kept him going strong for all of this time, and he is thankful for his faith in God. One day, he's sure he'll be able to show the whole world his progress.
News, Good. “'The Man With the Golden Voice': Where Is Ted Williams Now?” Good News Center, 7 Dec. 2017,


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