My Favorite Cover
Image and background become one on this cover of Naif as much of the girl's shiny black hair is indistinguishable from the black background. A white flower and pink cheek add pops of colour.
This cover is very visually pleasing to the eye, and the contrasts and popping of the flower and pink cheek immediately draw me to the subject. The dark lighting makes me wonder what must be going on in the girl’s mind, and the way she stares down, as if not wanting to meet eyes with the camera, seem to tell a story of their own. I wonder if the flower and the painting on her cheek have to do with the story she has to tell, and the only way to satisfy my curiosity is to spend that bit of money on the magazine. She gives off a feeling of mystery and innocence, communicated by her clear childlike features and refusal to meet eyes with the camera.
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