
Showing posts from 2019

The Dispatch Issue #5

Merger Photo

Merger Photo Prep


HDR Photo Prep

Movie Review Prep

Final Exam Preview

Newspaper Design #2

Magazine Covers

Movie Reviews

Magazine Cover Images

Portraits and Self-Portraits

Free Write

Photo 4: Creative (Alternate)

Photo 4: Creative

Photo 3: Panning

Photo 2: Moving Across Your Field of Vision

Photo 1: Moving Directly To You

Car Ride Intro

The Dispatch Issue #4

Motion Preview Assignment

Sports Current Event

Sports Exploration Activity

Infographic: Cracker

Infographic: Death

Infographic: Cake


Magazine II

My Favorite Cover

Best Magazine Covers 2015

Magazine Tips

Prompt Shoot 3

Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO - What are they?

Self Portrait and Portraits Intro

Prompt Shoot 2

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Composition 2

Welcome Back